SAVE THE DATE - On Thursday 14th November 2024 at 9-10am, we will be holding a coffee morning for parents of children with ASC and all who wish to attend. This will be run by Stephanie Hull (ASC Advisory Teacher for Knowsley).
Sylvester Primary Academy is committed to ensuring the best possible education for all pupils regardless of ability, background, ethnicity, gender or disability. We continually monitor the progress of all pupils and take steps to intervene where there is evidence that individuals or groups are falling behind. Our school ‘Inclusion Team’ that consists of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) and two Learning Mentors liaise with parents and external agencies to provide additional support for children who require it. We also acknowledge that some children will be more able (‘Gifted and Talented’) and we aim to ensure that these children’s needs are also well catered for.
A copy of our Special Educational Needs Policy and Equality Policies are available in the ‘Statutory Policies’ section of the website.
Miss H Brenchley
Vice Principal & Special
Educational Needs and Disabilities
Coordinator (SENDCO)
If you need to contact Miss Brenchley with any concerns or queries please email and state for the attention of Miss H. Brenchley in the email subject.
Sylvester Primary Academy
St Johns Road
L36 0UX
Tel: 0151 477 8320